
Z (O button): Select

Arrow Keys: Move

Larry and His Infinite Gluttony 


Some Story before you play...

Everything went to ruin. All cities came crumbling down. Cause of the HORDE.

The horde is a wave of monsters, Each one more scarier than the last...

Yet, there is a prophecy. The prophecy states: 

"A beast shall conquer all beasts. 

A beast shall consume them, as it feasts on the least."

Here comes Larry, a short, stubby, yellow dude with a big mouth. He has a ball. He's a 

very careless man who doesn't care for such things as "a prophecy", or a "horde".

Now, imagine yourself in his shoes, and you see a zombie crawl from up the ground, 

and chase you. The answer is obvious. You hit him with the ball so you eventually kill 

him. Duh.

After Larry beats some of them, he starts to become a bit stronger, a bit bigger. Soon 

enough, he towers over the horde, Crushing them, eating them, one by one. After a

 while, he starts to go back to his smaller stature, and repeats the process. 

Now, will you help Larry? I hope so

Man... Making a game while working is harsh work

I am the sole creator of this game. This is my first game jam, so don't be surprised by how the games state is. 

Thank you for Lazy Dev for helping me code in pico 8 :]

Have fun!!!


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